Natural Leavening
We are leaders in technology for naturally leavened oven baked products.
Technology and processes are based on Know How gained through long experience in producing naturally leavened oven baked products.
We work hard every day to earn your trust.
All our attention, experience and skills are available for your brand and you costumer.
Production phases
In this department the “mother ” is produced, natural yeast that represents the basis of naturally leavened products.
Despite the fact that the production line is highly mechanised, human contribution to the mixing phase is vital. Here workers follow tradition and mix ingredients together, checking quantities so as to guarantee an excellent product.
During the layering stage the croissant is made, the dough is divided into two layers that are mixed together with margarine.
This dough is then layered several times and glazed.
After being divided into portions and rolled, the dough is placed on special trays that pass first in the leavening area before moving to the cooking tunnels
Leavening is the most delicate part of the process.
This is where the dough develops and acquires the structure that makes each product unique.
Once leavened, the product goes into a continuous-tunnel oven, taking 15 minutes to go through a 22-metre cooking chamber at 200°C.
It comes out soft on the inside and fragrant and golden on the outside.
It cools down naturally in controlled temperature and humidity, and – if the recipe calls for it – it is then filled.
Using latest-generation systems, the film personalised with the customer’s brand is applied during the packaging stage, to ensure high-impact communication at the point of sale.
The films are tested to ensure the declared shelf life, maintaining all the fragrance and softness of the product.
Great care is paid to the use of materials with low impact on the environment, facilitating selective waste collection by the final consumer.
The packaged products are placed in the Visual box designed to protect the product during transport and storage to be displayed and make the product visible within the supermarket.